IMM Quality Boat Lifts has more than 40 years’ experience and knowledge in manufacturing boat house lift styles and accessories, technological innovations and design.

As the world’s largest and leading boat house lift manufacturer, IMM Quality Boat Lifts is your ideal destination to buy a brand-new boathouse lift. While many current boathouse lift styles may look similar, a close inspection will reveal that IMM Quality Boat Lifts are built better than all the rest. Since 1982, we have engineered current boat house lift styles to be exceptionally safe, dependable, durable, simple-to-use and beautifully designed.

Boat House Lifts Gallery

Below, you will find a photo gallery filled with current boathouse lift styles. Once you have selected your favorite, be sure to call IMM Quality Boat Lifts at (800) 545-5603. Or, contact us to set up an appointment to discuss a custom boat house lift design.

Boat House Lifts Gallery by IMM Quality Boat Lifts

Questions About This Boat House Lifts Gallery?

Each of the images you see here represents the design, engineering and manufacturing capabilities of IMM Quality Boat Lifts. Family owned and operated by three generations, our company creates our full line of boat lift products at our state-of-the-art facilities in Fort Myers, FL. We are the world’s best manufacturer of quality boat lifts, including the vertical boat lift, elevator boat lift, Platinum series boat lifts, Titan yacht lift, the Superlift and many specialty boat lifts. Every boathouse lift product we create is both safe to operate and easy-to-use. Our durable boat house lifts are aesthetically pleasing from your dock, while taking it easy on your knees. In delivering on this commitment, IMM Quality Boat Lifts takes care to use only the highest quality materials and techniques available in the industry. It’s why we’re considered the best boat lift manufacturer in the world.